Research is almost never done entirely alone, yet for many of us we don't take the time to create a central space containing all the essential documents, contact information and just a resource hub for our team. We end up using a collection of shared storage via SharePoint or One Drive, which is often not easy or intuitive to navigate, or we simply rely on communicating crucial pieces of information via email. Having managed a multi-centre clinical trial, I've always wanted something like this to help bring the research team together and provide all members with all the resources they need in one central space.
Below is the link to this free template but if you wish to learn more about this template then please keep scrolling.
Access The Treehouse TemplateWhat's Included in the Template?

Documents - a central database for your study documents and thereby acts as the go-to location for the creation and storage of all the different documents you'll create throughout the lifecycle of the project. It also offers you a quick and easy way to organise your documents by using the Type and Tags properties.

Standards of Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Working Instructions (WIs) - each have their own dedicated database with built-in templates to simplify and streamline the creation of your SOPs and WIs throughout the project. There is also an auto-updating Status property that quickly shows you if the SOP or WI requires updating.

Onboarding - this page simplifies the process of adding new members to the research team and included in the template is a Research Assistant onboarding checklist that covers all the typical stages of onboarding a new investigator onto the trial. Once they've completed the checklist, export it as a PDF and use it as part of your protocol training log documentation.

Meeting Notes - a database dedicated for storing all your team's meeting notes and because it lives within this central team wiki and hub, you no longer need to email the team a copy of the minutes.

Research Team Directory - make it easier for your team to connect by utilising this database. Store your role, which site you are responsible for (in the case of a multi-centre study), your contact details and within your page, include a short introduction so your team can get to know you a little better.
Access the free template by clicking the link below. Have any comments or feedback? Please email me at
Access The Treehouse Template